International conference "The Interplay of Water and Politics: Understanding the Influence of Water Management on Decision-making”

2023 25 - 26 October

International conference "The Interplay of Water and Politics: Understanding the Influence of Water Management on Decision-making”

  • Raekoja plats 1, 20307 Narva, Eesti

LIFE IP CleanEST project is organising an international conference on October 25-26, 2023 in Narva, Estonia, focusing on the challenges and solutions of modern water management. The main objective of the conference is to promote water management efficiency, share valuable knowledge, and raise awareness of issues related to water management.

We invite renowned scientists, experts, policymakers, universities, and other stakeholders to participate in the conference. Participants can contribute through discussions, sharing practical approaches, and thus contribute to the development and sustainability of the water management sector.

The conference will offer a diverse program, including presentations, panel discussions, practical workshops, and interactive activities. Discussions during the conference will focus on the impact of water bodies on the environment, available funding opportunities for water projects, and the promotion of information and awareness related to water management and environmental protection. Presentations and panel discussions will analyze various challenges, opportunities, and solutions associated with water management, with special emphasis on the importance of the green transition in this field.

Workshops will provide participants with practical knowledge and the opportunity to discuss topics with field experts. The workshops will cover several important themes, such as innovative technologies, digital tools, natural solutions, circular economy principles, climate change, migration barriers, and environmental awareness in the field of water management.

Raekoja plats 1, 20307 Narva, Estonia

More info about the programme, registration, transport etc:


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Henry Linnard
Peaspetsialist | Veeosakond
+372 5801 5142 |
Kliimaministeerium | Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn, Eesti

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